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An Inspiring Culture of Learning
  • Staff

The BGS Middle School is a vibrant and dynamic learning community. Our aim is for students to develop the dispositions required of effective learners, remain connected and engaged in learning and grow into young men of character who contribute positively to their communities. Importantly, our teachers recognise middle schooling as a critical phase in the cognitive, social, emotional and physical development of boys.​

​Most of us remember those teachers who inspired us, challenged us and ignited our curiosity. We also remember those who didn't! Memorable teachers leave a lasting impression long into our adult lives.

Middle School teachers at Brisbane Grammar School enjoy teaching middle school aged boys and understand, appreciate and cater for their social, emotional, physical and intellectual wellbeing and development.

Establishing and nurturing p​ositive and supportive teacher-student relationships is at the heart of boys' education, and our teachers recognise the critical importance they play in each boy's BGS journey. As specialists in their subject areas, our teachers possess a deep understanding of the curriculum and the thinking required for students to become effective and successful learners. Our teachers also actively engage in Co-Curricular programs to provide a wealth of opportunities for boys to explore and develop their skills, curiosity and interests.​

This year, Year 6 teacher Ms Michelle Ragen was a finalist in the Queensland College of Teachers TEACHX Excellence in Teaching Award. Ms Ragen was not only recognised for her commitment to teaching and innovative practices aimed to achieve the best possible outcomes for her students, but also her commitment to instilling a sense of public purpose in her students through initiatives such as the World Vision Backpack Challenge.

The quality of a Brisbane Grammar School education relies heavily on the expertise, professionalism and care of our dedicated teaching staff. Their commitment to continuous learning and desire for BGS to remain at the forefront of boys' education in Australia drives our success. Importantly, our teachers nurture a caring atmosphere to ensure each boy learns within a safe and supportive learning environment. Mistakes translate to learning opportunities, and each boy traverses his own path.

As I visit classrooms each day, I am continuously inspired by the high-quality teaching practices and positive culture of learning that characterise lessons in our Middle School classrooms.​​​​

Rebecca Campbell
Acting Head of Middle School

  • Journey - December 2019

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