- Staff
It is no secret that our staff – both teaching and business and services – are the backbone of Brisbane Grammar School.
Recently, five employees celebrated the milestone of 20 years of service at BGS. We chat to them about their time here and why they’re so passionate about what they do.
Greg Howes
Head of English Mr Howes began as one of the first Year 8 Core Teachers, when the Middle School opened in 2003. He runs the Athene Club and coordinates the annual public speaking competition for Years 9 to 12.
Q. What do you love most about your job?
Naturally, teaching my own students and being part of their growth is at the core of the job, but I am also grateful to work with a team of dedicated, compassionate and clever teachers in the English Department. What’s not to love about being surrounded by good people and sharing the joy of teaching a subject that allows you to explore the complexity of human experience through language?
Q. What makes BGS special?
The positive culture of learning is priceless. Opportunities for learning are abundant. Everyone is committed to the possibilities of ‘better’ to achieve one’s best. In short, we are nothing without the hard work of the people across the BGS community who create the best opportunities for the boys.”
Noel Chan
Ms Chan is Head of Science, and is also involved in Physics Olympiad Training and the Faith Fellowship Group.
Q. How did you get the job at BGS?
There was an advertisement in the newspaper for a Middle School Year 8 Science and Maths Teacher, when the School was looking for teachers to work with the first cohort of Middle School students.
I remember doing a two-stage interview process. The first was a 45-minute session with the Headmaster (Dr Peter Lennox), Deputy Headmaster of Curriculum (Dr Philip Moulds) and Head of Middle School (Mr Ed Roper). Then, it was another 40 minutes with Head of Mathematics (Mr Anthony Mewing) and Head of Science (Mr Frank McClatchy). During my job search, the BGS process was by far the most difficult one that I had. To my surprise, they offered me the job and the opportunity to teach one Year 11 Physics class, which was uncommon back then for a new graduate teacher.
Q. What makes BGS special?
The people here at BGS are what makes it special – both the staff and the students.
Craig Derrick
Mr Derrick is the STEAM Logistics and Facilities Manager, and his day can consist of anything from catching wildlife to managing large CAPEX projects.
Q. How did you get the job at BGS?
I had migrated from the UK with my family and saw the advert in the Courier Mail for Brisbane Grammar School maintenance manager. Having a trade background, working in construction since leaving school, I thought this is the job for me.
On my second round of interviews, I remember one of the Boards of Trustees Dr John Fenwick saying to me "do you think we will all be able to understand your pommie accent?" Well, here I am 20 years on (it was a pleasure working with Dr John Fenwick during his time on the Board).
Q. What do you love most about your job?
Being part of the School’s Master Planning team, seeing projects through from inception to completion, such as the STEAM building, The Lilley Centre, Middle School expansion, just to name a few.
I love overhearing comments from our many visitors on Open Days and other events about how impressed they are with the School. I can’t forget to mention the trill of outsmarting the mischievous possums trying to make homes in our HVAC systems.
Scott Deegan
Mr Deegan is a Senior English Teacher and helps students compete in external public speaking competitions. He runs Public Purpose and is heavily involved in the World’s Greatest Shave.
Q. What do you love most about your job?
When students have a light-bulb moment and grow as writers or speakers. Discussion of our subject area with other English staff.
Q. How has the school changed for the better over the past two decades?
Its focus on pastoral care has developed and grown.
Q. What are some of the challenges in your role?
Keeping boys interested in reading and writing, in a time where it can seem irrelevant to them.
Lisa Whitcher
Ms Whitcher is an English and History teacher, and a Year 7 Form Tutor. She runs the Middle School Cooking Club, coaches Debating and runs a Fantasy Writing Club for Year 7 students.
Q. How has the school changed for the better over the past two decades?
I’ve seen many changes. It was only Years 8 to 12 when I started – the Middle School has changed the School for the better.
Q.What makes BGS special?
The whole community approach to raising young men of character ready to make a difference in the world. The history of the School demonstrates the commitment to continual growth and development that benefits the students by responding to the needs of the present while teaching respect for the past. It is all for and about the boys.
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