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Q&A with BGS Head of Year 10 Craig Timms
  • Staff

Why were you inspired to work in Student Wellbeing? 

Even in my earlier education roles as a classroom teacher or as a Head of Department, I realised that students' achievement and wellbeing are entwined. 

As a parent of three boys, I want our children to enjoy school, be happy, build strong friendships, and take advantage of every opportunity. I believe this desire is shared among all parents. 

Working in Student Wellbeing allows me to draw on my experiences while constantly learning new approaches to assist students in achieving their potential.

How do you support the growth of boys throughout their BGS journey?

A priority of mine is building relationships with the students and their parents. This isn't easy to achieve straight away, given the typical sizes of cohorts. However, as they progress through the years, experiences and opportunities present themselves for me to learn more about each student. 

I have always sought opportunities for these connections to grow, whether in the Cocurricular program or the classroom. In my role, I think it is important to be there on the sidelines of a Year 10 Volleyball team's game, as a coach for Year 10 Debaters or teaching a Year 10 English class.


What is your favourite rite of passage initiative at BGS? 

A personal favourite of mine is the Year 8 Tie Ceremony. It is an occasion that is celebratory and poignant. I hope it is one of those BGS memories that will be shared among students and parents as the years pass.

How do you think Student Wellbeing practices will change in the future?

How we approach our role through an 'on the ground' approach in supporting students, parents, and staff will continue to be a core part of our practice. The unpredictable nature of my job, never knowing what the day brings, certainly keeps my role interesting and enjoyable. 

There is now a growing reliance on collecting and using data to support the wellbeing of boys, and this is something that will continue to be important.

Unfortunately, I think educating and responding to issues around mental health will form an ever-growing part of what we do.


What is the best advice you have for students?

Do not be scared to take risks, and never underestimate the value of being playful and creative.

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