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Boarding Options

Brisbane Grammar School offers three boarding options to meet the needs of the BGS community.

Full Boarding

BGS Boarding operates seven days a week and the majority of boys are full-time boarders. Most boys choose to stay in on weekends to take advantage of the excellent enrichment opportunities.

Arrangements are flexible, and boys can enjoy leave for all or part of most weekends. Midweek leave for family dinners or special occasions can also be arranged.

Short-Term Boarding (unavailable in 2023)

Short-term boarding places are offered for periods ranging from a week to an entire term.

Short-term boarding appeals to boys and parents during times of intense school commitment, ranging from school plays to preparation for sporting events or significant academic assessments. Parents travelling overseas may also choose short-term boarding.

Occasional Boarding (unavailable in 2023)

Occasional boarding allows BGS students to stay on campus for two set nights over the course of a term. Occasional boarding is an appealing option for families and students.

For details regarding the fee structure and specific arrangements, please contact the Director of Enrolments or Director of Boarding.

Director of Enrolments
Jamie Smith
T +61 7 3834 5200